Dolly went home at the weekend, along with her two little pals. Here she is in her new dress. I couldn't work out what to do with her hair so just left it plain. Her owner was pleased with her.
Our son has his 44th birthday next week so we drove up to Bright to visit him.
Bright is a pretty little town in the Ovens Valley amid our Victorian Alps. We had our honeymoon there nearly 50 years ago. The whole valley is lovely no matter which way you turn, and before you ask, no I didn't take any photos. Can you believe I forgot to take my camera when we went out?
Just imagine lots of pine trees, oaks, poplars and elms, low density housing with cottage gardens, surrounded by mountains and Aussi bush and you've got it.
Coming back to metropolitan Melbourne, although I love it, was a startling contrast. And leaving our son wasn't easy either - with at least 4 hours of driving we don't get to see him and his lovely partner often.
Gotta go now. Hope your weekend was as delightful as ours. Bye for now until next time.