Monday, March 8, 2010

Nature doing what she does best.

Back in September I showed you a picture of a pile of logs which was all I had left of my lovely big wattle tree, after a particularly violent storm which blew it down across our driveway. Well I was mistaken. For a few weeks now I have been watching some green shoots sprouting from the roots of the tree, which we hadn't removed from the soil, and sure enough, it is the wattle tree making a determined effort to reproduce itself. The leaves are soft and new but they are definitely the wattle leaves of this tree. Now I am waiting and wondering if it will produce its lovely sunny blossom in late winter. Isn't nature wonderful? I am also marvelling at the Plumbago bush that is growing by our garage. Every year I cut it back drastically to about hip height and hardly anything more than a bundle of stalks and each time it bounces back. I never, never give it water and we have some pretty nasty heat, yet here it is, at least five times larger than it was and a mass of little blue flowers. What a rewarding plant. With that and good old pelargoniums I can always be sure of some cheerful colour about the place.
Hope everyone out there in Blogland is enjoying the best of what nature has to offer. And if you're local, I hope you dodged the weekend storm damage.
Bye for now until next time.


  1. Looks like we'll be having an early spring here, so I'm look forward to some green shoots in the garden!

  2. Hello Not ready. Spring is always exciting isn't it? I love watching things grow.

  3. Lovely to see nature persevere. The rain in Melbourne was a real blessing for everything green. xo m.

  4. Hello Meagan, Yes the rain was great. Amazing how much better for the garden than manual watering.

  5. It is so different when we get rain. Everything springs up so much faster than hand watering. I love spring with everything popping up, as its a surprise every year. I think to myself, oh look at them, I forgot I had some lol

  6. Donz I love re-discovering plants that I'd forgotten I had.
