What a day it was. We'd been dodging rain drops all week but our Gala Day turned out fine and not too hot. I really got my 10 thousand steps in, helping to carry and set up the toys for this display. We handed them all over and got the chance to thank so many folk who help us out through the year. Those who donate paint and timber and, of course our wonderful patchworkers. As she does every year, Joe's lovely wife made 20 pretty quilts too, especially for the prams.
The picture here is only some of the toys that went to local welfare groups, there were 605 in all, but it gives you an idea of the kind of thing we do. In receiving the toys for her organization, one of the recipients said, "Every year I think the need can't get any worse, and every year it does." That's a sobering thought in this land of plenty, I think. Then there was the little boy of about 3 years, whose Dad's ticket won a toy in our fund raising effort. The little one's round-eyed "Ooh" as he accepted his toy made our day. We don't often get a chance to see a toy in the hands of a child. That was a real treat.
Planning begins now for the list of toys we will make next year. One of the blokes, who will be on holiday for a good part of next year has started on his toys already. It's addictive. We can't help ourselves and it keeps our little grey cells ticking over very nicely.
Anyway, a rattly feeling around my rib cage reminds me that I haven't had lunch and in my part of the world it's nearly 2.00 pm, so I'd better be off.
Bye for now, until next time.
PS if you want to get a closer look at the toys you can click on the picture to enlarge it.