Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just ducky

A friend had been looking for a waddling toy duck for her grandchild. She'd been to all sorts of markets, she said, and had not been successful. After going through the library of books on wooden toys that we have at the woodworkers club, the man of the house disappeared into his shed and this is what he produced. I loved it on sight and it went over very well with our friend too. The leather feet flap and cause the duck to waddle from side to side. I think it's really cute and got a bit of fun playing with it myself before we gave it away.....well, I didn't have a waddling duck when I was a little girl - just filling up a hole in my list of lifes experiences.
Back to winter today. Do you know the weather man predicted snow in high places. Not that I'm complaining - much more comfy than the sweltering temperatures we could be having at this time of year. Steamed pud for Christmas dinner is much nicer to eat on a cool day.
Bye for now until next time.


  1. So cute - I remember them when I was a child - not mine, but cousins

  2. My grandfather used to make those little toys. Too bad he didn't start till I was too old for them, but seeing that one brought back fond memories of helping him paint them.

  3. Hello ladies

    Maria I've always loved them too.

    Laurie, aren't they the best memories? Grandads are special.

    Minding My Own. The bright colours make a difference I think.

  4. Wishing you a Merry Christmas Elsie, hope the weather has improved a little. Cute duck*!*

  5. Thank you Annie, they're promising us a nice day for Saturday. I hope your Christmas will be a good one too.

  6. I looked at the markets and couldn't find a wooden toy, it was disappointing.
    I think the man of the house will have to have a market on line :)
    Merry Christmas to you and the man of the house. Till next year :))

  7. Pattas. That's a good idea Pat. I think I'll look into it. I wish you and your family a Happy Christmas too and a new year that's full of good things.
