Thursday, September 10, 2009

Frantic Friday.

All go today. Received an enthusiastic awakening this morning from little Pepper who doesn't believe in letting sleeping humans lie. No he didn't sleep with us - the man of the house let him in while I was grabbing that lovely last 40 winks. After a quick game of chasey-round-the-diningroom-table, he is off into the garden to check up on all the new smells.
M.O.H. (man of house) has gone to pick up some goodies that have been donated to the woodworkers club. We're fortunate in that respect, often receiving generous donations from those who want to help us with our toys.
I thought you might like to see this clock that was made from bicycle parts, by last year's club president. I know it isn't woodwork but Jack has already made a couple of wooden clocks and decided on a change. Of course it has attracted all sorts of clever comments about going faster down hill and pedaling to wind it up etc.
I'm off to sew some panties & petticoat for the doll and later Pepper's young master is coming to take him home. As I said before, "All go today." Hope you all have a great weekend. Bye for now, until next time.

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